Monday, December 26, 2011
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Walking on a November Day
The dry leaves crunch and crumble beneath my feet giving way to my clumsy mass, leaving me longing for days when I was one with the elements and could move in a more organic way
The crisp air vibrates through my core and shakes my spirit awake, as the earth begins to fall asleep, I begin to swoon and dream
My companion is strong and has eagles eye and a lions heart moving him from place to place,
He shows me love and truth and his spirit is generous and kind, I study his ways and at times I follow in his steps finding comfort in his silence
Spirit bear sends brother crow to caw, his magnificent voice echoing through the forest clearing a path to my ear and the center of my being, reminding me I have the gift of warriors whisper and a knowingness of my inner light. He guides me in ways of the heart and second sight
I did not see the osprey I have come to know and love, I did not witness the deer in their typical dwelling this day; instead I learned to see the other more simple silent powers that be always.
Moving through this space, I realize how many things I just don’t know. How small I am, how soft I am, how new to this place I am, and I am humbled by the mighty trees who have been strong enough to stand in one spot for century upon century
It leaves me in wonder of how strong a soul would have to be to choose a life of never walking away or being able to retreat from pain or adversity
River rushes by with great purpose carrying with it both destruction and resurrection, such a powerful being it is to move with such force and yet to be so kind and generous as to offer shelter to the tiny muskrat, I watch them move in tandem with earths gentle pull…together they are as one.
I stand beneath the ash and I give thanks for safe journey from earth to sky and back again, my heart is filled with gratitude for my understanding and I hear the words
Peace be love, friend
Love be joy, divine
And I take in a deep breath and feel great comfort in knowing that as it is on earth, so it is above, that heaven and earth, as we, are one.
Joy be thy way. Namaste.
Monday, September 12, 2011
To share or not to share…a lesson on the ego
An interpretation of a Spirit Bear teaching
Humans are naturally great transmitters and receivers of energy. In this energy there are often many fragments of information. Sometimes, depending on the two human variables this energy information is recognized in the form of feelings, emotions, a sense of knowingness, in a vision or dream. As we progress along our spiritual paths many of us become higher conductors of this information energy. The more one works with this psychic energy the more sensitive they become to it and the more easily one is able to transmit and understand it.
Once we learn to recognize these bits of information and who they are for, we must determine still whether or not we should share the information. Just like any information that we gather in life these bits of psychic information must also be evaluated before we share them with others. We should at first treat them like psychic rumors. We must evaluate the source from which the information originated and then one must consider the impact, or lack-there-of, of the information we hold. After we believe the information is valid we must evaluate the reason we feel the need to share the information. Many times we run to tell people every thought, dream, feeling or vision we have had. Rarely do we take time to understand our personal reasons for wishing to share it. Most often we share this information (or psychic rumor) to feed our own egos to feel “special” or “gifted”. We must recognize that as long as we feed our egos, we will not progress to becoming strong spiritual communicators. Along with this thought, we must also realize the universe does not need to communicate though us. There is no shortage of ways for the universe to prove its point and not one of us is needed for this task.
We should not let our ego convince us that we must share all of our information with others. Beware of thinking whatever information you have is for the other persons higher good. Seriously, the higher self of another person is the business of that person and god. ..they do not need our help to determine what is good for or correct…Just as we must remember no one can tell us our higher good. Beware of any one who claims to know what is your path, for your highest good or motions to be a middle man between you and your higher self or god. Be critical of anyone who claims they are able to decode for you what the universe is “trying to say” or who is not trying to empower you to hear it for yourself.
Currently I am guided to a discipline where I do not share any information that comes. It doesn’t matter how important it “seems”. I am comfortable in understanding the universe does not need me to communicate on its behalf. This is a new discipline for me. It was just not until just recently that I began to question my practice of sharing information with others when I gathered information about an individual I cared deeply for which would have been very uncomfortable to deliver. This message made me question the reason for the information, my position with the other person and how that would change and how if the person would even be receptive to what I had to say. In light of all of this thinking I chose to not share. This has taught me a very intense lesson in my psychic development and has moved me one large step towards being a true healer and strong spiritual communicator. Looking back I think that I was under some false impression that if I chose to not share information that I gathered with others that the universe would stop giving me it…like it was some form of being ungrateful and like a child who did not do what they were told I would be punished into some sort of psychic silence. What I have learned is that we gather more information and more important knowledge when we prove to the universe that we are capable of being trusted to not hurt others, including ourselves, with the information that is acquired. I am thankful for this most important lesson and I am looking forward to gaining the deeper meanings of this discipline that I have not yet realized.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
One of our greatest gifts~ A lesson in gratitude and abundance
Recently I discovered one of our greatest gifts as spirits is that our ability to generate ideas and tap into the source of all knowledge is infinite. Looking back over the years I am saddened to realize the large amounts of time and energy I focused on hiding and not sharing information with others because I was worried about them “stealing” my visions, knowledge, or my ideas for themselves. I was caught up in the naive thinking that others using my ideas or information could mean a heightened sense of success for them which in turn would have to mean a loss for me. To grow we must reject this win/lose mentality. We must grow to understand that we live in a space of great abundance, there is enough for us all, if we choose there to be.
Today I subscribe to the belief that when we hold hostage our ideas and information we do not leave room for more information to come to us. When we share guided information or our inner most powerful thoughts and ideas, it sends a wave of gratitude to the universe. The act of giving this information away shows that you have not only understood the importance of the information you were given, but you took responsibility for it as well. In sharing this information you have taken something mental and transformed it into something that now has the power to manifest here in this space into a physical reality. That is really important let’s read it again… In sharing this information you have taken something mental and transformed it into something that now has the power to manifest here in this space into a physical reality. Cool huh?
This gratitude will continue to send waves through the universe that you are ready and able to accept more information and more ideas. Thus giving you an endless supply! Think of how helpful this could be in your approach to parenting, offering good ideas at work, forming and retaining relationships and in countless other practical ways. Wouldn’t it be great to have a source of endless awesome ideas? You can have this. It is not something accessible for a “chosen” few. You just have to be brave enough to share with others. That’s it. That’s the trick.
Please note this does not mean that you are obligated to tell the world every time that you have thought that is guided, creative or powerful. It is also not intended to mean that you give away every good idea you have and leave nothing for yourself. It means simply to bring a new awareness into the picture, to live in a state of mindfulness. Move through this space sending out waves of gratitude and choose abundance rather than sending out signals of fear and loss. Remember you will get back exactly what you send out!
Friday, August 19, 2011
I am whole.
Feeling again like the world is growing too bright and loud. It feels like the sun is so close that it will burn my flesh and spirit. I need a reprieve from the mindless chatter and one-way-ness of this space I have created. Relationships appear to be like rivers roaring past, charging with purpose, taking the parts of me they need with them and having little care for what is left behind. I crave the solitude of silence, ancient relationships, and connecting with the earth. It is time now to move away from the public spaces of spirituality and gravitate towards a more private practice.
At times I feel it would be so much easier if my masters were of this space…of this time…of this place. At others I realize that this can never be so. The masters are of another space so that the relationship can remain pure, unending and without interruption. Looking around I have selected a space of loudness, one sidedness and ego. I have placed my spirit in a life of busy behavior that is almost false and anxiety ridden. I have no closeness with others that is sacred due to the majority of my time being filled with half-finished conversation and a need to be polite or correct.
I don’t have anything profound to say. There are no revelations coming to mind today. It’s just me…on my journey. Standing here in my flesh and bone with my heart beating in its human rhythm. Breathing in and out in a controlled even fashion, staring into my own almond shaped eye which echoes generations before me Blackfoot and cawing to the crows, medicine men and mothers, I exhale knowing only parts of the whole but confident that I belong for I can still hear their drum and in my life and actions echoes of their song.
As my ancestors, I yield to the egos of others. I let them walk over me, through me, around me and beyond me and all the while I learn what I choose not to be. I am grateful for this behavior as it makes me stronger. No longer do I seek to be the teacher. My students will come when they are guided, just as my teacher will come when I have mastered the lessons already laid before me. I am comfortable understanding that the treasures and knowledge inside me is not for everybody, rather it is for the few who have the need and will to know. I will seek to master the lessons of the ordinary, of simplicity and I will be grateful that gone are the days that I need to have the burden of proof or validations from others. Gone are the days that I put energy into those who do not offer an even exchange.
This is part of my evolution. This is part of the whole. I am part of the whole…I am whole. I need not the approval of others nor do I need a stamp of authenticity. I am strong because I chose to be. I will continue to grow because I choose to do so. I will stand on my own feet in my own space and I will be secure, never fearing the darkness or that which stirs just beyond it… because in my heart and soul I know that I am guided, I am protected and I am part of god.
Friday, August 12, 2011
A universe of our own
The mind is our ego. This is the filter that we see the rest of the world though. It holds most of our recallable memories and general data of our environment. It tells us what it perceives to be good or bad for us such as cautioning us when something is to hot or cold to touch. Our ego assess everything in our perception and evaluates given its experience what is good and what is bad, what we like and what we don’t like and so on. The ego can be our best friend in some situations but it can be extremely limiting in others.
The trouble with our ego is that it is very hard to turn it off. Our ego or minds whole job is to be observant and to store data so that it can make the best decisions based on this collected data to keep us safe, or to protect the body. This is great for our bodies but it can be a trouble when we are looking to go beyond our physical being toward our higher self. Spiritual development is one place the ego can be limiting to our growth and in some cases it may cause problems with our balance. This is why meditation is so important and recommended by those who are intuitively in touch with their higher selves, when we meditate we move beyond this ego and away from our protective self towards our spiritual god selves. Please keep in mind that there are many ways to meditate.
If we are going to learn to rely on our own channels or our own ability to reach out to the divine we must be able to learn to put the ego aside. This is why so many people do work in their dreams; while the body is asleep the ego is asleep with it. Moving beyond the ego means moving beyond the noise of our fears and offers us the ability to move beyond our extremely limited knowledge. Recall we are only the sum total of our experiences in this life. Our experiences are so limited here. It is easy to forget that we have access to so much more than our own limited experiences. It can be really difficult to learn to put our ego voices aside. We first have to become alert to how to identify our egos thought from that of our higher selves. A good rule of thumb is if we are feeling feelings or having thoughts of our physical body or having fear of taking an action because it will affect our physical body, we are filtering through the ego. Please note that thoughts of physical body could be thoughts about money, thoughts about loss of our job or thoughts about loss of a mate. These things are most often tied to our ego just being afraid of losing its health. For example many of us do not take risks or make career decisions based on monetary decisions. We tend to not make decisions to leave our jobs or we stay with jobs that do not fit us because we are worried about losing our money which could lead to us losing our homes our shelter, which could lead to us being exposed to elements and desperate and so on. We need to be mindful about why we are making the decisions we are making and why we are choosing the things in life that we do. If we are able to determine if we are moving from a place of ego or if we are connecting with our higher selves we will be able to tap into our infinite knowledge sources and we will be able to make more guided decisions.
Making guided decisions is something available to everyone; it is a right of being human in this human experience. We were not beings marooned or exiled to this planet by a god that is conditional. We are spiritual beings who chose to be human in this space and time and in our current condition. We get so lost in the endless chatter of our egos, which are working to protect our body that we often fail to remember that we are also higher spiritual beings who have access to universes of information already within us. We must return to a place of self-trust and comfort in our own abilities and our own relationship with the divine. This does not mean that we should never seek the council of others; it simply means that we should learn how to seek and consult with our own first!
Monday, July 25, 2011
We are all love and light ~Guide Unknown
This is my attempt to share the teachings of an unknown guide, to the best of my ability at this time and space...
We are all love and light.
When we believe other human beings as being less than love and light we become victims of our limited understandings of a larger spiritual truth. All life force is created of love and light.
When human beings are being affected by lower energies there are many different ways in which they can manifest in the physical realm. If you are like most of us, when we think about being affected by lower energies we think of Hollywood horror movies where demons take over a body, but lower energy does not equal “demon”. Lower energies are simply energies that vibrate at a rate less than the speed of love and light. Therefore all physical matter vibrates at lesser a rate. We are physical matter (in part) therefore we naturally are a lower energy. The difference is that living energies have a spiritual property that is accompanied by the soul and its vibration. This energy works together to form an energy system that we must keep in balance…the mind, body and spirit of it all if you will. The trouble starts when we are affected by energy outside of our system which can result in an in balance.
Where do lower energies come from? That is a whole discussion on its own but in a nutshell it can come from any other energy source. It can come from other living beings, humans or animals. You may be surprised to learn that most often when we are being affected by lower energies or energies less than love and light, they typically show up in subtle ways that feel like simple annoyances such as feelings of depression, exhaustion or isolation. They can feel very close to our own vibration at first and may creep in almost undetected. Sometimes these feelings root in humans and stay there for the duration of their life time.
Negative energy in our auras can be likened to sand in the wind. For a moment vision a desert landscape on a clear still day. This vision can be likened to our auric field when our energy systems are balanced and free of lower energy influences. Now notice the wind start to blow across the sands lifting small particles of the desert floor up into the air circling around you. These sand particles can be thought of as common lower energies such as the negative emotions, anxiety or the stress of others, moving within your auric field. They are heavy, visible and foreign to our specific energy systems. They can affect you in many ways they require attention away from your path. These small pieces of matter require you to spend energy on them which takes energy from you, thus causing your system to grow further out of balance. This loss of balance in turn opens us up for more negativity to attach. If we are not careful it can become a vicious circle resulting in a whole host of unwanted outcomes. Illness, confusion, loss of energy, exhaustion and depression are just a few possible outcomes of being caught in this circle. In extreme situations there can be so many particles of sand moving around a person they can no longer see beyond it. No light comes in no energy will move out…it grows dark. It is not until we can calm the winds and still the sand can we start to see the light.
The important thing to remember here is that we are all love and light. We all have this in our being. All things come from the Divine...all things. We tend to move away from beings or life energies that are caught in the sand storms. It is a true gift and a lofty goal to be able to cleanse one’s self of all other than love and light. It is a life long journey. It is important that as we learn to shed negativity and still our individual storms we do not judge others but rather simply observe their positions and guard ourselves from getting covered by their sand or lost in their deserts.
We are all love and light. We are never less than love and light…but we can be more than love and light.
Sunday, July 10, 2011
To help Crow
I received a message from a friend of mine that he needed assistance with securing the fractured wing of a wild crow. Being quite new to Reiki healing I jumped at the chance to use Reiki. My first thought was to go online and learn as much as I could about the art of administering reiki on wild birds. To my great surprise there was not a lot of information available. Here is an account of my first session with wounded crow. Please note that I do not recommend trying to handle a wounded or wild animal without proper training or skilled assistance.
Step one: Ask for permission
Because a bird is a living spirit, just as we are, it is important to ask it for permission to conduct Reiki healing upon it. Reiki should not be imposed upon any living thing be it person, animal or plant.
You may be asking the question, “How will I know if the animal has accepted a Reiki healing?” There is no real cut and dry answer to this question. I asked this same question to myself before I got started. Truth is the being will let you know. In my case I invoked Reiki and I stated my intentions allowed. I asked the crow if it would accept this healing. There was no large answer, I think that it is important to really listen to your heart and listen for a whispering inner voice or a sense of knowing. Perhaps as in my case the animal will look you in the eye calmly. I am sure the signal varies with each session and being.
It is important to remember here that the being may decline your attempt to offer Reiki. We must remember that this being is no different from us. We are all on a journey and just like us everything will eventually wish to return to its spirit source. If your Reiki offering was declined it is my suggestion to thank the spirit, wish it well in its journey and let it continue on its chosen path. It is ok to send distance Reiki to the spirits highest good and let the being accept it as needed.
Step Two: Slow beginnings
Because birds are so small and your physical presence may be over whelming to a wild animal who is not used to being around humans, not to mention it is wounded and not used to your presence it is best to start off at whatever distance the animal is most accepting of. I know that it is easy to forget about our clumbsy human bodies when we are filled with the love and light of Reiki but we must remember we are still very human and we can be intimidating to the creature we are seeking to heal. We must also remember that just because we understand our intentions, they may not be as quickly understood by others. It is important that we use caution and fight that urge to blindly pick up the wounded being and “fix it” like they do in Disney movies. So find a distance that is acceptable to the bird and comfortable for you. It is likely you will be in this position for some time. Some indications of a comfortable space where birds are concerned would be that the bird is not holding on to the side of the cage that is furthest from you, it is not nervously jumping from place to place and it is not squacking at you or showing signs of extreme anxiety or aggression.
Step 3: The Healing
Once you have found that agreeable, comfortable space between you and the bird begin sending Reiki. I started with emotional healing to calm the bird and to offer mental stability. I started by closing my eyes and visioning it in my third eye followed by consciously sending it to the bird. In my way, this was another way of sharing my intent or confirming it with the crow. Next I reached out to the being with my heart chakra and it shared with me a feeling of rapid heart rate and high anxiety. Because my heart was open and the crow had allowed this connection I chose to work on the anxiety within my own body, wrapping it in love and light and sending it away by using the emotional healing symbol. I meditated on this symbol until the anxiety was gone. I opened my eyes to a remarkably calm crow. It was happy just sitting on the perch in its make shift cage watching me.
With this calmness I sensed it was a good time to move closer to the bird and I moved so that I was sitting about two foot from it and one foot from the cage. I made the power symbol in the air before it and I sent Reiki with my eyes. I noticed the bird was becoming agitated so I consciously turned down the Reiki I was sending with my eyes and when that did not return the bird to its previous calm state I then dropped my dominate hand, placing my palm flat on the ground beside me. This left me sending Reiki with my non dominate hand which made the bird really comfortable. I held this position for some time. The bird turned and put the wounded wing towards me. I was then guided to use my breath to send healing and gently sent Reiki this way along with my hand. I also have a certain way that I like to sing the names of the healing symbols which I did for the crow. This bird really responded to the sound of me singing the words. It was really quite beautiful and fascinating.
Step 4: Sending Intent
Now that the bird was calm I began to send the bird images of the physical, medical healing we were intending to do and the reasons why we were going to do it. I sent the information to the crow by simply visioning how the process would go with the intent of sharing the thought and the feeling with the bird. It is really as simple as just having the intent and a pure heart. I sent visions of our intention to handle the bird in a gental way. I showed it visions of us using special tape to secure the wing to its body to prevent the wing from further damage. I sent a vision the bird living with this tape for a time. Then I sent a vision of us taking off the tape and the bird flying away.
Once I was sure that the vision was sent we began the physical healing stage. Jason reached in and calmly, and skillfully handled the bird, I worked quickly to tape its wing to its body and as promised we were as quiet, gental and quick as we could possibly be. Please note that the physical handling of this situation is extremely critical because if miss handled the bird will likely go into shock and could possibly die. This is where having trained or skilled help is important. Remember, we must move within the bounds of our healing abilities.
Because my strength in this healing was by using Reiki and imagery I let Jason, my skilled help handle getting the crow out of the cage. I turned off my Reiki completely at this time as it would have been far too strong on this tiny creature. We worked honestly and quickly and wasted no time with excess petting or handling of the bird.
Once we were finished we placed the crow back in the cage and it fell over. It lay still in the bottom of the cage. All others moved away from the cage and I turned my Reiki up and began sending Reiki with my breath and hands. Realizing that the bird was in a mild shock I started using my emotional symbol by drawing it in the air. Using my solar plexus I sent the crow feelings of renewed strength and control. When the time came that I felt the crow was still and becoming balanced internally I was guided to speak to the crow. I calmly, using my voices true tone, said, “come now, it is time to rise, up you go now” and just like that, up it went. It stood up! It clumbsly hopped on its purch and looked at me. I closed my eyes and I concentrated on my breath moving in and out of my body and I noticed the rise and fall of my arms as I was breathing in and out, it felt like I was flying. I understood this to be the crow asking me if it would fly. I sent the message back that I would do my best to help it by breathing in and out several times really deeply and visioning blue and white sky. I then told crow if it couldn’t fly again, I would take care of it and it could live with me. Then the strangest thing happened. This crow came closer and made 4 almost soft almost whisper like caws at me….then it turned away.
Step 5: Closing the healing
I sealed the healing with light and love and I told the crow that I would send it distance healing and to look for it in the night. I made the power symbol over the cage and left.
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Times of Rest
I want the world to be still and time to stop.
I would like to be quiet, wrapped in the ocher, umber and rusts of the retreating fall. I want to sit beneath the willow and wait for the world to fall asleep so that I may hear the soft whispers of peace.
I would make myself small and sit beneath this tree wrapped in a cloak of light as darkness falls tucked safely amongst its roots beneath its leaves as an acorn would be where no one could find me. There I would listen to the earth and stars and I would be still and whole. Sienna’s and brilliant yellows would give way to bare sleeping branches and the ground would begin to freeze, and I would not. I would be so still that I could hear the owl’s heart beat and know that you are near.
I want to walk silently alone in falling snow so softly that I could hear the sound of each flake falling to rest on ground beneath my feet.
It is winter in my heart. I see it now when I blink my eyes. It is silent and magnificent. I see it looking down as with hawk eye appreciating every small grace and gift as I silently glide by. Winter is restful and a time to restore our spirits and take stock of our progress. I understand that though there may be no green or life signs showing, every seed has been sown and every bud is waiting to emerge perfect and complete beneath crystal ice forms. I now have faith in natures promise.
I recall moments of this fleeting faith when I was a child looking straight up to heaven with my eyes wide, mouth open and I would feel joy at the soft cool kiss of flakes on my face. I now recall and I thank you for giving me this body and this space and I bow to your grace in utter gratitude and awe. And it is silent…
I understand it is a time to listen more than speak. In my ear I can hear wild crows call. It comes in from the right and resonates in my chest like a drum, we are now one. When I breath in wings expand, breathing out they contract. It is a rhythm; it is the same rhythm of all life force energy. In and out…In and out. Wake and rest... Wake and rest. Only in times of solitude can we truly connect with and appreciate the solidarity of all creatures of this life. Without this base understanding we miss the one true reality…We are all one. We all march to the same drum.. in and out, rest and wake…bump bump….bump bump…bump bump.
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Call back your energy, increase your power
Sitting here tonight I realize that there are so many things, people, situations that we put our energy into. Many of the places we choose to dump or pool our energy are variable with outcomes out of our control, trivial or not really of any importance, have long sense been in the past or have not yet happened in the future. It is a miracle with all of this energy wasting we do that the majority of us have enough energy to get out of bed in the morning not to mention go on to lead productive lives. The majority of us leave great pools of energy at our offices or with friends who are in tough life situations; we leave our energies with an ill relative or friend or with our children at day care. Where have you left energy today? In the first place you just thought of I bet!
Day to day living is challenging all on its own. We have schedules to keep, deadlines to meet, standards to uphold, goals to reach and set. These things are very energy consuming. In addition to all of the “normal” details we must address in our busy days there are many more layers of space, time and events which still hold our energies as well. Think how much energy is wasted on events that haven’t even happened yet! We wonder if so and so will like us, what would happen if we lost our jobs, are we going to lose our minds when we get old. Now look back in time and scan your life. Glaze over some of the challenges you have faced and obstacles you have overcome. Odds are the ones that invoke the highest emotions are still holding your energy. Take a few moments and think about where your energy may be, past and future.
There is no magic trick to calling back your energy and you need not hire a psychic to do it for you. It is your energy and it is a part of you and calling it back is as simple as setting the intention to do so in whatever way feels most natural to you. Some people like to have a ceremony of sorts where they will light candles and meditate on the specific space, situation or person they are calling their energy back from, some people write down their intention and burn or bury it, while others may just make a statement quietly to their selves…some people may go out into their yards and yell out their intentions. Again it is all a matter of what feels right to you in your situation. I personally like to call back my energy before bed each night. I say a prayer of thanks and then I simply state my intention. Once my intention is set, I simply be still and vision my energy leaving the situation, person or place like it is being drained, like a color picture fading to black and white, and I feel my life force return to my being until and I am filled and whole. I close by mentally releasing the vision another prayer of thanks. Some people choose to release a vision by mentally burning it, seeing it as a photo they can rip, or by tossing a stone through it and watching it shatter while others may see it simply fade to black. Whatever your way, you cannot do this wrong and it will help you become a more vibrant being.
If you have any further information on calling back your energy, or if this note has inspired you to do so please feel free to share your knowledge and experiences here!
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