Monday, July 25, 2011

We are all love and light ~Guide Unknown

This is my attempt to share the teachings of an unknown guide, to the best of my ability at this time and space...

We are all love and light.
When we believe other human beings as being less than love and light we become victims of our limited understandings of a larger spiritual truth. All life force is created of love and light. 
When human beings are being affected by lower energies there are many different ways in which they can manifest in the physical realm. If you are like most of us, when we think about being affected by lower energies we think of Hollywood horror movies where demons take over a body, but lower energy does not equal “demon”. Lower energies are simply energies that vibrate at a rate less than the speed of love and light. Therefore all physical matter vibrates at lesser a rate. We are physical matter (in part) therefore we naturally are a lower energy. The difference is that living energies have a spiritual property that is accompanied by the soul and its vibration. This energy works together to form an energy system that we must keep in balance…the mind, body and spirit of it all if you will. The trouble starts when we are affected by energy outside of our system which can result in an in balance.
Where do lower energies come from? That is a whole discussion on its own but in a nutshell it can come from any other energy source.  It can come from other living beings, humans or animals. You may be surprised to learn that most often when we are being affected by lower energies or energies less than love and light, they typically show up in subtle ways that feel like simple annoyances such as feelings of depression, exhaustion or isolation. They can feel very close to our own vibration at first and may creep in almost undetected. Sometimes these feelings root in humans and stay there for the duration of their life time. 
Negative energy in our auras can be likened to sand in the wind. For a moment vision a desert landscape on a clear still day.  This vision can be likened to our auric field when our energy systems are balanced and free of lower energy influences. Now notice the wind start to blow across the sands lifting small particles of the desert floor up into the air circling around you.  These sand particles can be thought of as common lower energies such as the negative emotions, anxiety or the stress of others, moving within your auric field. They are heavy, visible and foreign to our specific energy systems.  They can affect you in many ways they require attention away from your path. These small pieces of matter require you to spend energy on them which takes energy from you, thus causing your system to grow further out of balance. This loss of balance in turn opens us up for more negativity to attach. If we are not careful it can become a vicious circle resulting in a whole host of unwanted outcomes. Illness, confusion, loss of energy, exhaustion and depression are just a few possible outcomes of being caught in this circle. In extreme situations there can be so many particles of sand moving around a person they can no longer see beyond it. No light comes in no energy will move out…it grows dark.  It is not until we can calm the winds and still the sand can we start to see the light.
The important thing to remember here is that we are all love and light. We all have this in our being. All things come from the Divine...all things. We tend to move away from beings or life energies that are caught in the sand storms. It is a true gift and a lofty goal to be able to cleanse one’s self of all other than love and light. It is a life long journey. It is important that as we learn to shed negativity and still our individual storms we do not judge others but rather simply observe their positions and guard ourselves from getting covered by their sand or lost in their deserts.
We are all love and light. We are never less than love and light…but we can be more than love and light.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

To help Crow

I received a message from a friend of mine that he needed assistance with securing the fractured wing of a wild crow. Being quite new to Reiki healing I jumped at the chance to use Reiki. My first thought was to go online and learn as much as I could about the art of administering reiki on wild birds. To my great surprise there was not a lot of information available. Here is an account of my first session with wounded crow. Please note that I do not recommend trying to handle a wounded or wild animal without proper training or skilled assistance.  
Step one: Ask for permission
Because a bird is a living spirit, just as we are, it is important to ask it for permission to conduct Reiki healing upon it. Reiki should not be imposed upon any living thing be it person, animal or plant.
You may be asking the question, “How will I know if the animal has accepted a Reiki healing?” There is no real cut and dry answer to this question. I asked this same question to myself before I got started. Truth is the being will let you know. In my case I invoked Reiki and I stated my intentions allowed. I asked the crow if it would accept this healing. There was no large answer, I think that it is important to really listen to your heart and listen for a whispering inner voice or a sense of knowing. Perhaps as in my case the animal will look you in the eye calmly. I am sure the signal varies with each session and being.
It is important to remember here that the being may decline your attempt to offer Reiki. We must remember that this being is no different from us. We are all on a journey and just like us everything will eventually wish to return to its spirit source. If your Reiki offering was declined it is my suggestion to thank the spirit, wish it well in its journey and let it continue on its chosen path. It is ok to send distance Reiki to the spirits highest good and let the being accept it as needed.
Step Two: Slow beginnings
Because birds are so small and your physical presence may be over whelming to a wild animal who is not used to being around humans, not to mention it is wounded and not used to your presence it is best to start off at whatever distance the animal is most accepting of. I know that it is easy to forget about our clumbsy human bodies when we are filled with the love and light of Reiki but we must remember we are still very human and we can be intimidating to the creature we are seeking to heal. We must also remember that just because we understand our intentions, they may not be as quickly understood by others. It is important that we use caution and fight that urge to blindly pick up the wounded being and “fix it” like they do in Disney movies. So find a distance that is acceptable to the bird and comfortable for you. It is likely you will be in this position for some time. Some indications of a comfortable space where birds are concerned would be that the bird is not holding on to the side of the cage that is furthest from you, it is not nervously jumping from place to place and it is not squacking at you or showing signs of extreme anxiety or aggression.

Step 3: The Healing
Once you have found that agreeable, comfortable space between you and the bird begin sending Reiki. I started with emotional healing to calm the bird and to offer mental stability. I started by closing my eyes and visioning it in my third eye followed by consciously sending it to the bird. In my way, this was another way of sharing my intent or confirming it with the crow. Next I reached out to the being with my heart chakra and it shared with me a feeling of rapid heart rate and high anxiety. Because my heart was open and the crow had allowed this connection I chose to work on the anxiety within my own body, wrapping it in love and light and sending it away by using the emotional healing symbol.  I meditated on this symbol until the anxiety was gone. I opened my eyes to a remarkably calm crow. It was happy just sitting on the perch in its make shift cage watching me.
With this calmness I sensed it was a good time to move closer to the bird and I moved so that I was sitting about two foot from it and one foot from the cage. I made the power symbol in the air before it and I sent Reiki with my eyes. I noticed the bird was becoming agitated so I consciously turned down the Reiki I was sending with my eyes and  when that did not return the bird to its previous calm state I then dropped my dominate hand, placing my palm flat on the ground beside me. This left me sending Reiki with my non dominate hand which made the bird really comfortable. I held this position for some time. The bird turned and put the wounded wing towards me. I was then guided to use my breath to send healing and gently sent Reiki this way along with my hand. I also have a certain way that I like to sing the names of the healing symbols which I did for the crow. This bird really responded to the sound of me singing the words. It was really quite beautiful and fascinating.
Step 4: Sending Intent
Now that the bird was calm I began to send the bird images of the physical, medical healing we were intending to do and the reasons why we were going to do it. I sent the information to the crow by simply visioning how the process would go with the intent of sharing the thought and the feeling with the bird. It is really as simple as just having the intent and a pure heart. I sent visions of our intention to handle the bird in a gental way. I showed it visions of us using special tape to secure the wing to its body to prevent the wing from further damage. I sent a vision the bird living with this tape for a time. Then I sent a vision of us taking off the tape and the bird flying away.
Once I was sure that the vision was sent we began the physical healing stage. Jason reached in and calmly, and skillfully handled the bird, I worked quickly to tape its wing to its body and as promised we were as quiet, gental and quick as we could possibly be. Please note that the physical handling of this situation is extremely critical because if miss handled the bird will likely go into shock and could possibly die. This is where having trained or skilled help is important.  Remember, we must move within the bounds of our healing abilities.
 Because my strength in this healing was by using Reiki and imagery I let Jason, my skilled help handle getting the crow out of the cage. I turned off my Reiki completely at this time as it would have been far too strong on this tiny creature. We worked honestly and quickly and wasted no time with excess petting or handling of the bird.
Once we were finished we placed the crow back in the cage and it fell over. It lay still in the bottom of the cage. All others moved away from the cage and I turned my Reiki up and began sending Reiki with my breath and hands. Realizing that the bird was in a mild shock I started using my emotional symbol by drawing it in the air. Using my solar plexus I sent the crow feelings of renewed strength and control. When the time came that I felt the crow was still and becoming balanced internally I was guided to speak to the crow. I calmly, using my voices true tone,  said, “come now, it is time to rise, up you go now” and just like that, up it went. It stood up! It clumbsly hopped on its purch and looked at me. I closed my eyes and I concentrated on my breath moving in and out of my body and I noticed the rise and fall of my arms as I was breathing in and out, it felt like I was flying. I understood this to be the crow asking me if it would fly. I sent the message back that I would do my best to help it by breathing in and out several times really deeply and visioning blue and white sky. I then told crow if it couldn’t fly again, I would take care of it and it could live with me. Then the strangest thing happened. This crow came closer and made 4 almost soft almost whisper like caws at me….then it turned away.
Step 5:  Closing the healing
I sealed the healing with light and love and I told the crow that I would send it distance healing and to look for it in the night. I made the power symbol over the cage and left.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Times of Rest

I want the world to be still and time to stop.
 I would like to be quiet, wrapped in the ocher, umber and rusts of the retreating fall.  I want to sit beneath the willow and wait for the world to fall asleep so that I may hear the soft whispers of peace.    
 I would make myself small and sit beneath this tree wrapped in a cloak of light as darkness falls tucked safely amongst its roots beneath its leaves as an acorn would be where no one could find me. There I would listen to the earth and stars and I would be still and whole. Sienna’s and brilliant yellows would give way to bare sleeping branches and the ground would begin to freeze, and I would not. I would be so still that I could hear the owl’s heart beat and know that you are near.
I want to walk silently alone in falling snow so softly that I could hear the sound of each flake falling to rest on ground beneath my feet.
It is winter in my heart. I see it now when I blink my eyes. It is silent and magnificent. I see it looking down as with hawk eye appreciating every small grace and gift as I silently glide by. Winter is restful and a time to restore our spirits and take stock of our progress. I understand that though there may be no green or life signs showing, every seed has been sown and every bud is waiting to emerge perfect and complete beneath crystal ice forms. I now have faith in natures promise.
I recall moments of this fleeting faith when I was a child looking straight up to heaven with my eyes wide, mouth open and I would feel joy at the soft cool kiss of flakes on my face. I now recall and I thank you for giving me this body and this space and I bow to your grace in utter gratitude and awe. And it is silent…
I understand it is a time to listen more than speak. In my ear I can hear wild crows call. It comes in from the right and resonates in my chest like a drum, we are now one. When I breath in wings expand, breathing out they contract. It is a rhythm; it is the same rhythm of all life force energy. In and out…In and out. Wake and rest... Wake and rest.  Only in times of solitude can we truly connect with and appreciate the solidarity of all creatures of this life. Without this base understanding we miss the one true reality…We are all one. We all march to the same drum.. in and out, rest and wake…bump bump….bump bump…bump bump.