It is my purpose to hold the light
It is my will to hold the light
It is my honor to hold the light
And it doesn’t matter how dark the night becomes, I will
stand strong holding this light
I will not waver
I will not be swayed by promises or bargains
I will hold this light in the darkest of nights
I will hold my light no matter what darkness falls
No matter what pain comes
No matter which way the mind may twist
No matter which degree the heart may ache
I will hold the light.
I am a torch barer
I reject the chaos
I reject the cause
I reject the noise
I turn my back to the winds of hypnosis and assimilation
I turn my back on the words of the blind
I close my eyes to the vision of the strange
I shake my head at those who wish to lead the flock
I will stand strong in this light
I will not waver
I will not fear singularity
I will not trade momentary peace for the sacrifice of all
It may be a lonely road
I may cry
I may feel rejected and alone
But I will hold this light until God calls me home
I will hold this space
I will hold this light
I will protect this clear view with all of my souls being
with all of my might
I will protect this light will all of heavens light and
hells fire
I will live to my purpose
I will never waver
This I vow.