Friday, May 18, 2012

Releasing Karma, Healing Spirit~

Releasing Karma, Healing Spirit~

I take back all that is mine, and I return all that is yours…

Seeing someone across a crowded room, instantly feeling soul connected to this person, ignited, in love…feeling like you have to get closer to this strangely familiar stranger. This is the stuff that movies, books and love stories that last the ages are made of, not to mention more commonly divorces. We have all been in situations where we were instantly enamored with another person, connected in a way that set our souls on fire and to hell with the consequences. This type of encounter happened to me recently and several times in the past year and a half. I spent a lot of time reflecting wondering if I was just restless, if my marriage was boring, wondering if I was changing and out growing my life…again. I wondered why I was never happy with what I had and why I would accept these feelings for others to come in and take over my being and contort my mind and reality. Then I realized it was something bigger than restlessness or infatuation, it wasn’t because he told me I was pretty or because I felt special and hadn’t for some time, it was bigger than any of this. I learned it wasn’t love it was Karma.

As humans we have lots of agendas in this earthly space. Some of us have more than others. I’ve understood for some time that many of the people in our human lives are people who we have walked with in spirit and in other lifetimes, in other places and ages. Some of these people have such a karmic connection to us that when we see them or sense them in this life time our spirits are still in complete consciousness of who they are and what they once meant to us, even though our body mind does not. So much of our communication and recognition of others is done with our spirits on a vibration level. Every one holds a specific vibration and essence…imprint. We don’t forget this even if our minds forget. The imprints of everyone we encounter is stored in our being unless it is cleared.

It became clear to me yesterday that I had to purge someone from my life. I didn’t want to do it. I couldn’t understand why I was so conflicted. I couldn’t understand why I was so connected to another which I knew was not good for my life or for my situation. I couldn’t understand why knowing this how it was going to be a tough decision to let them go, but I knew that I had to do it. This feeling of “having” came from my soul, like it was a soul need. I heed the commands of my higher self and Spirit always. And so it was.

I started hearing a voice in my ear early in the morning, “call back your energy” it said softly every so often. “Call back your energy Hannah” I heard again. Then again. As the day went on I continued to think about calling back my energy and I decided I would do this in the evening when I got home and rested. As the evening came I received a call from a dear friend, one of my earth angels Amber. She is an amazing psychic. So I ran this by her and listened to her teaching. I understood before the conversation that we are going to continue to run into people in this life that we knew in past lifetimes and that though these connections are always powerful, they are always with purpose and work and lesson to be learned. Not everyone that we reunite with in this life time from other lifetimes are good for us…some never were. I knew that sometimes we reunite with souls of the past, not to love them, but to let them go. What I didn’t know or realize consciously is that it was so easy to clear Karma. I didn’t realize that it was so easy to right lifetimes of unrest with a simple act of will and a clear heart.

The person that I decided to clear had been tangled with me for many lifetimes. We have been in a power struggle that was fueled by passion, unrequited love and heart break. To one another we are like hurricanes and poison. He comes each life and creates chaos and then leaves with a trail of destruction behind him that is my life. I think this pattern started due to a falling out of love where we were both hurt really badly many lifetimes ago. It’s been our pattern to collide each lifetime since and relive the emotions and destruction and then rebuild, die, and do this again.

Last night I learned that it was time to take back all that is mine and return all that is his in conscious thought. Meaning to return all energy that is mine back to my being and detach and return all energy that is his to him. Normally you would give back all that is theirs and then take back all that is yours. But in this case it was important for me to work in reverse due to the destructive nature of our relationship. Here is what I did….

I lay quietly in my bed. I calmed my spirit with deep breathing. I allowed his energy to totally fill me and I allowed my spirit to fully connect with his. I invited the memories of lives past to come crashing in like waves and I allowed my body to feel all of this in its fullest essence. I seen him in many lives and in this one. I laid in observance for a good 20 minutes or so. When I was fully, truly ready I began to call back my energy from those lifetimes. I started with a prayer of gratitude and love for this person and all they have given me, all of the passion, all of the excitement, all of the companionship and laughter that we have shared. I offered a prayer of peace and healing for all of the destruction that was caused on both sides; I apologized for all of my trespasses against him and forgave him for his against me. I closed with a prayer to God asking for a release of this bond between us. I asked for the slate of time to be wiped clean, I asked for my body to be brave enough to release these memories. I asked that the records of time of he and I be burned by blue flame and be returned to pure energy where it can sustain life elsewhere in eternity.

When I was done with opening prayers I called in my guides and my angels and I call them by name. I asked they surround me and assist me in my intentions. When I was ready I returned to breathing deeply. 7 counts in, held 7 counts and released another 7. I focused and reduced our memories and energy into one ball, one point which I could focus on. I felt all the memories, energy and emotions pull from my spirit and eternity into this one ball of light now separate from me. I gazed at the ball of light as a silent observer. I called to the universe to return to me all that is mine from this light. I instantly felt my body respond as if a magnet. I saw gold strings of light returning to my body. When I felt that I was filled up and that nothing in the remainder of the ball belonged to me I asked that all that is his be returned to him with love and healing and I sent it off. I watched it go and fade until it was no more.

I closed with a prayer of safe passage and gratitude. I thanked the Creator for granting me grace and healing.

Calling back energy and releasing Karma does not mean that we are cutting a person out of our lives; it means that we have created a clean slate. We have cleared the slates and we can now choose to have the person in our lives for who and what they are today and not who or what they were to us a life time ago. By restoring our selves, we too also restore a piece of them. This is grace. Grace be yours, peace be still.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Aliens Among Us, What does that mean? Is she nuts!?

For along time I have been keeping secrets. I have been getting influxes of information and visions from guided forces that I simply could not reason to be something that I could use to make a difference…and I was sure that everyone who read it would think that I was simply crazy. Well today I find is a day about honesty and about facing my fears and rising to my purpose. Even if I am not totally clear about what my purpose or my impact is really going to be.

I will share with you now a summery of what I have been experiencing and what I now understand to be extremely important to every person and to our future as a race. I will attempt to keep things as simple and straight forward as a spiral of information can be.


New Reiki Signs

I was working with one of my clients and as I was performing Reiki on her I starting seeing a symbol that was unknown to me, it was lightening blue and it kept moving from my forehead or third eye, to the patient and then as soon as it went into the patient another would appear and move down into the patient. This person had a severe back issue. Since this day this person has never had another issue with their back. I knew instantly that this symbol was not something of this place. It was a gift, I felt it was from something that I was not yet familiar with.

Sleepless nights began. I would find myself filled with energy and excitement for no reason.


ET visitor:

No shit I was laying in my bed and I was drifting off to sleep. It was a normal night and I lay quietly in my bed relaxing. I was lying with a quiet mind and a still being. As clear as this screen I am looking at right now I received a vision. The face of an alien, just like you would see in any gumball machine or 1980’s poster appeared. I was looking into its large eyes and it was looking at me. No words were said, no movements were made and nothing really seemed to change. I excused the vision as simply “being me, this is what I do” and I went to bed.

For days after this vision I could not get it out of my mind. I kept thinking about it in waking time. It was imprinted in the front of my consciousness. Almost like we were still face to face.

The Dream:

Have you ever had a dream where you felt like you were really there? Or have you woke up from dream thinking that it was so real that it could have been? This is lucid. I am a lucid dreamer and I have been every sense I could remember. Thank god. About a week after the initial vision I found myself in a lucid state. I found myself, in waking dream sitting on a large beam like you would see in New York city. Do you remember those photos of the 1930’s (or sometime) steel workers? It was much like that.  Except from my view I could see the whole world laid out before me. I was sitting on a beam overseeing our planet and the alien returned. Again there were no words spoken. And I did not ask any questions. I am finding in their presence I am a silent observer always. This being then showed me a vision of humanity.

As I watched in silence I seen half of the world fall to shadow and fire and I seen the other half of the world illuminated in white light. It was shown to me that there is a great choice on the shoulders of man kind. We must decide as a race what we are going to be come, what outcome we are going to create. It was communicated that nothing has been written or decided. It was communicated that this is the age of manifestation.

The Age of Manifestiation:

This is a time where man will finally begin to understand that we are the magic makers, we area able to create what ever life we choose to live in. If more of us individually decide we are going to live in a hell, that fear and angwish will be what becomes, if more of us decide that we are going to live in joy and light, in a heaven like space, that is what will be. So be it.

It was communicated that the great war is going to be one of sanity and I was introduced to the term vibrational warfare.  Perhaps more on this later. It was communicated that we must hold the light if we want to survive ourselves. We must learn to manage our own energy and master our minds or all will be lost. I was also shown many of the ways that as a race we are being numbed and how we are starting to live in a tempered environment, where the many are being manipulated for the gain of the few. It is being done through frequency and desensitization. Weapons sneakier and more detrimental than we have known be fore.


Solar Flares:

Our planet started to experience spikes of solar energy in incremental doses. Sun light is coded. It holds the genetic code of life and is that from which all other life forms grow, is possible and is sustained. This energy is energy we are used to in small and measured doses. When the sun flares it sends bands of this amazing energy hurling at us which reaches us in a much less diluted form. It is potent and our human bodies are so fragile and susceptible. We in turn become more coded, our frequencies change. Or our DNA is altered. Our consciousness becomes expanded. We are able to communicate with other beings who are coded similarly to our new codes which opens us up to more types of encounters. As our vibrations rise, we began experiencing many changes as does all life forms on our planet, including the planet its self, which is scientifically measureable.


We are not alone.

I started getting the feeling that I was no longer alone. It was not such a feeling of paranoia as it was a feeling of being observed. For those of you who do not know me well enough to know, I am well versed in communications with spirits and it is no rare event to have one wander into my consciousness or my physical space, it happens daily. But I began awaking in the middle of the night with the feeling that something was standing at the foot of my bed. It was just standing there in silent observation. Just beyond my ability to communicate with in this waking space. I did not feel alarmed, I was just aware. Each night I would wake to find it there and I would observe it observing me and I would return to sleep. I began to become aware of this being and of its energy so much more vibrant yet denser than I. It was like having a physical being in the room with me, not a spirit. Each night it came. Each night it comes. It is real and it has not been missed by others in the house as well without my mention. It is not a being that will be sent away with smudging or prayer, it is not living in the same laws as spirits or entities do. It is a living thing. It is alive. It is silent and observant.


I am still noticing that I am not alone and I have grown attuned to this energy and I can pick it up most easily now. I start to notice that this energy is everywhere I go and in multiples. I understand this energy is not being noticed by others.

I start to talk about the experiences I am having with a close few who will not judge me harshly but I am unable to truly relate the apocalyptic visions I had been shown or the information on vibrational warfare and I am no longer able to relate to my spiritual circle of friends. I thought I was becoming unwell at times, I felt alone and I felt like something was wrong with me because I could not subscribe to the belief that we should simply sit back and believe good things and good things will happen. After seeing the visions I had seen I was filled with such a sense of urgency and the importance of now. I also understood that I needed to protect myself. I retreated from my community and I drew in close to self and Spirit and I continued to listen and observe and be observed.

Large solar flares came, we gained more coding and our DNA took on more rungs.


May is here and I have been blessed to understand an even larger view. I have settled in with things and I am ready to shed the fear and share.

I now understand some amazing things that the population at large may possibly find alarming.

We have entered the time of mirrors

The time of mirrors has come. Our DNA has changed such that we are having a much easier time communicating with our higher selves, our source, each other and with spirits and with beings that we are yet to know. With this new communication ability we are finding that there is a great division happening in the world around us and within our selves. Suddenly there is a great unrest within many of us. We have passed the strain of the changes brought by the sun flares that brought anxiety, sleepless nights and distress only to find that we woke to find that we were sharply aware of our flaws and the things in our lives that were no longer suitable for us. We began the process of choosing sides and self. Those of us who are resistant to rising to our higher purpose or being are feeling the pressure of going against the grain and those of us who were comfortable with self and in a growth pattern, found the time to be energizing and uplifting. This continues now. I don’t know how long this time of choice, this time of mirrors will last but it my friend is a window that will shut. We must make our choices and learn to rise above the fear and move towards that which we were destined to become. That does not mean that we all of a sudden have perfect lives, it simply means that we start harnessing the will to live to our highest purpose. The will or intent is all that matters now and here.

Super Moon

The Super Moon came and with it came beings.

The Age of Communication

In the psychic community the world over it has been understood that there will be a time when communication comes between us and other life forms. Most people believe this in some way. Many people believe it is going to look like something we seen on Television, and maybe some day it will, but today that is not the case. What I am going to tell you now is the most amazing and confusing thing…they are already here. The Age of Communication has begun and it’s been here for along time before now. It began along, long time ago. They are here and their here in great numbers. They co-exist with us now and they have been for along time. Though there has been a sharp increase in the amount of them in the past few weeks. They are moving along beside us as invisible beings, but they are beings, not spirit, they have their own laws and agendas. Again you can not smudge out an alien. Traditional steps of clearing are not laws that bind these beings as are the total energy beings such as spirits which we have come to know as existing in our spaces.

The hitch….

So I have said a lot and nothing at all…there is so much more to all of this than I am able to place here tonight. Though I know that there are a lot of possible new ideas here, they have all become comfortable for me until last night. I came to a large pause for thought when I slowed to consider the reason why they are here. I got questioning if we, our higher selves have called them here to assist us with the balance or if Earth has in her consciousness cried out a cry heard across all of time. Personally I don’t think that they care either way about us. There are a lot of talks about ET’s coming here to gather the precious resources of the Earth but honestly, we are one extremely small universe and there are an uncountable number of those. I find it ridiculous to think that they are really all that concerned with taking our precious resources. When I consider crop circles and other markings left by so called ET’s I continually flash back to the thought that they are trying to communicate with us and they are trying to answer our questions and in turn help us. With this thought I go back to the side of the fence that tells me that we are calling them here. My personal experience tells me they are wise and they too are like mirrors. I feel this is a time of great blessings.

In closing

I thank you who ever have gotten to the end of this long line of events. I know that it may be hard to digest that aliens are among us, should you wish to call them that. But think how common it is today to accept that there are spirits here on earth who were human and who lived and left. Many of us can see them and most of us know that they are there or have a story where we directly interacted with a spirit being. This is because over the years as the vibration of earth and man has elevated, so to have our consciousness and our ability to communicate. Our being has again changed to a higher frequency and we are now able to communicate with an even larger group of beings.

This is the golden age my friends, this is the age of manifestation. This is the time when all that we desire can come to us quickly with true intention. We are living in a time where we are being awoken to a day where we are able to walk in the sun and directly connect with the love of our creator with out middle men and shaman. They are of no use here now. Within each of us there is a seed of knowledge, of consciousness of the One. Inside of us there is a compass and a map.There is no room for smoke in mirrors and false truths, there is no time to blindly follow others or allow another to lead you to salvation. Now is a time of great urgency and for great care. We are the holders of the light. Every one of us. We are all responsible to choose that which is our higher purpose and those of us who know these truths are responsible to help the others and to ignite the hearts of others with the proof that is the truth which is proven by being transferred through acts of love, generosity and compassion and gratitude for grace and god. We are One, we are indivisible, we are eternal, we are suns. And so it is.