Often when we are brave enough to start the incredible journey back to our spiritual awareness we set off down a path with our hopes high. We buy new pens and journals, we are ready to live well, eat the foods we think enlightened people eat and we promise to quit bad habits. We buy books on being better people, learning how to communicate with spirit guides and how to achieve deep, meaningful meditation.
As we began our journey skipping down our path we barely pause to notice the road ahead slightly bending and small hills that began appearing in the distance. With the great gust and intoxication of our first connections to the divine we skip towards them excited for what they mean and the new gifts they could bring. The world is our rose garden and we are in a state of euphoric connection to the source. We take time to write and sketch in our new journal with our new pens in the fields of light and record our growth thinking we have come so far. We make observations about our lives up to this point, how we would like to change, how we can help others and we rest in the light comforted by the warmth of the divine.
As the brightness of the day begins to fade and the evening comes, we see that our road has come to a split and that there is a mountain at the end of each choice. The air becomes cooler, shadows become longer and our divine connections are all of a sudden not so clear. We search our journals and the pages of all the books we have collected, we call our friends and reach out to our guides and we realize…we are still alone and there are no answers. There are no voices or gut feelings. There is nothing more than the beat of our hearts and the breath in our chests and there are decisions to make, roads to choose and commitments to create.
We have entered the dark night. There are many dark nights along the path to the balance. These nights bring times of great trial and challenge. These “dark nights” or periods without the ability to communicate with Spirit, can last for an evening, a few days or to long seasons of our lives. We must proceed with faith to make a choice to turn to the left or the right. We must choose blindly what mountain to climb. The truth is, all roads lead home to the same manifestation of our hearts truest desire and intentions. If you dream hell….you will have it. If you dream heaven it too will appear.
I write this tonight because I think that it is important to share with you that there are many ups and downs on the road to spirituality. There are many times when you will feel extremely enlightened and there will be many others where you will feel completely alone and estranged from all. There will be large choices to make without an angel to tell you which direction to take. These are the times where you must believe in your vision and walk with the faith and understanding that you are where you are supposed to be. You cannot take the wrong road. The wrong road does not exist. Don’t be one of those people who stand at the fork in the road to afraid to make a choice. More importantly be careful who you choose as your council because they do not know the way any more than you do.
Choose the path that you feel is right for you and trust that as soon as you make a choice you will return to the voice of your reason. The sun will rise at the next turn and your mountain will not be as big as it looked in the dark. You will only truly begin to plant your feet firmly on the path ahead by leaving your fears of making the wrong choices behind.
Time is wasting so move your butts. I love you~